Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hood off the MG

1) Took the hood off and put it on a stand at my body class.
2) Started sanding with a DA (dual action sander) with a 36 grit paper.
3) Started working on the dent on the front edge of the hood.  We banged it out with a hammer from the underside and then filled what was left with filler.
4) Sanded hood again. This time with 80 grit paper.
5) Flipped the hood and sanded the underside of the hood to prepare it for primer.

 6) Applied 4 coats of ppg primer.

 7) Applied one coat of guide coat.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I was away but I am back and painting

Let me tell you about the door prep 1) disassemble the door 2) sand down the door with 36 grit paper 3) hammer out and fill in any dents 4) sand the door with 80 grit paper after the filler dries 5) put glaze on to fix any problem spots 6) sand the glaze 7) glaze again any low spots 8) sand those spots 9) now you can put 3 coats of primer 10) now you put on a guide coat 11) then you sand off the guide coat with 240, 460, or (if you have a lot of time )1000 grit paper 12) you are ready to paint 13) now you lay down 3 coats of base paint 14) let it dry and the you lay down 3 coats of clear. then you have to sand more but we will stop for another day because I am tired.